

$20 Soul Love 1

robineaglesagepicturewitheagle This CD is an interactive meditation lead by Robin Eagle Sage, to attract wealth, health and the relationship of your dreams. Robin gently guides you to expand your potential through letting go of old fears and by embracing the truth of your Soul Love. Deep breathing can be heard in the background to help you remember to breathe; the basis of all life, creation and expanded consciousness.

Soul Love- Interactive Meditation 1 $20.00


$10 Soul Love 2

robinwithunicorn This CD is of breathing alone. I believe that most people hold their breath throughout the day and do not get enough oxygen to the brain. This leads to all kinds of disorders including lack of focus, sleep apnea, snoring, strokes, brain fog, poor memory and more. It is essential that we feed our brains oxygen! Listen to this CD while you work, sleep, exercise and play to enhance your oxygen intake, intelligence, creativity and health. It may just save your life!

Soul Love 2 - Aligning to Your Breath $10.00

Buy Two CD's: Soul Love Part 1 and 2 for just $25.00!