Robin Channels Jesus on Forgiveness


Forgiveness According to Jesus

According to the Lost Gospel Q, the original saying of Jesus, Jesus explained to his disciples,

“If a companion does something wrong to you, go to the person and point this out. But do it privately. If your friend listens and says, ‘I’m sorry,’ forgive and your bond will be strengthened.”

“But how often must I forgive the same person?” asked one of his disciples, “Seven times?”

Jesus answered, “Not just seven times, but seventy-seven times.”

Today I (Robin) asked Jesus if he meant to forgive people literally 77 times.Jesus said, “No, I meant to forgive the person in your heart seventy-seven times. 7 refers to the spiritual person and 77 times means to be spiritual and to forgive in your heart, time and time again. It does not mean to go back to the same abuser over and over again, expecting a different result after forgiveness is spoken. This would have been clear if you had received my entire message written above in context and in it’s totality. This was done purposely by those in power in order to weaken the mass public. Because if you keep going back for more abuse it makes you weaken. But if you forgive in your heart it allows you to let go of the person energetically or what some people might call, karmically. When you free your heart it opens it up for new and better experiences. If the same abuser comes back to you changed, you will be ready to accept the person back into your life. If they do not show you they have changed it makes no sense to continue their presence in your life. It is very important to protect and preserve your existence and spirit. This is what keeps you empowered and whole. Lines must be drawn using your heart, intuition and know-how, despite who the person is or how many others support this person. It is for you to decide because only you know what is right for you. Be well blessed children of God.”

Channeled by Robin Eagle Sage, MI

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