How Happiness Can Create Sickness


Healing is a cycle. If you suddenly feel more happy than usual you will most likely feel some sort of pain or sickness a couple of days or hours later. This is because the dark, unhealthy or less happy energy that was in your body before must now find an exit when the new happiness comes in. Only one energy can exist in one space at a time.

Therefore, if you had an inch of dark or lesser happy energy in your gut and then that inch was filled with a new found happiness (perhaps spurred on from a physical colonic or emotional happiness from a new relationship) the old energy would have to leave. It is when this energy is leaving the body that we usually feel sick or uncomfortable; physically, mentally or emotionally.

Unfortunately, most people throw in the rag and think that something bad is happening. In reality, something good is happening. Your cells are releasing the old energy and making way for the new. It is pertinent at this time to feel good about yourself and life. This is what enhances your strength, power and well-being.

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