MI Training, Level 13, Week 2, Home-Play

  1. Finish last week's home-play
  2. Give an MI reading to a stranger with a medical issue. Write about the reading in 4 sentences here. You may add it to your blog if you wish. 1. How did you do? 2. Their medical issue. 3. Cause. 4. Cures.
  3. Keep a short list of aspirations to meditate and visualize on daily somewhere where you will see it.
  4. Meditation, exercise and green smoothies daily if possible.

12 comments on “MI Training, Level 13, Week 2, Home-Play

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      This is the 2nd time you have done the blog incorrectly. The directions are simple and are to: “Write a blog on how the niceness disease causes cancer. Reference the MI class reading you did without mentioning names.” You wrote about organizations. This is not even close to the HW. Please re-do the blog correctly. Also, you can not use “The Niceness Disease” without quoting me.


    My most challenging client ever:
    I did a reading on a woman who complained of chronic health issues with multiple symptoms. Chest pain and pressure, shortness of breath, feeling suffocated. Also, exhaustion (emotional and physical). profound weakness and fatigue. She is very anxious , almost hysterical. Only question was “Am I dying?”
    She refused to have session taped. No other medical history. Only medication is Klonopin. She has been to numerous physicians and has had extensive work-up done. All findings negative.
    With tiny baby steps using breath work, I attempted to calm and reassure her. Finally, after days of dropped phone calls and imagined computer and phone issues, Four attempts to complete Client Information Form – finally was accomplished. I was able to get her on the phone to commence the reading.
    Clear and vivid images of a small child in terror. Horrific mother figure – cruelty and unrelenting abuse. I stayed calm, and loving, and spoke very slowly. Before long, she validated my reading and disclosed a child of extreme abuse – physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, relational. As I slowly continued with kindness, love, and reassurance, I explained the causality and how her present symptoms were a result of this trauma. When I started the healing portion, after about 6 minutes, she hung up. I have been unable to reach her since. I left a message and sent an email a few weeks later. I feel like I really failed this woman. It took me quite a bit of work to “let go” of this patient which is why it has taken me some time to get to writing this.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      The HW is to write 4 sentences only. Boundaries. If you don’t have good boundaries you will attract others who are the same. Why would you expend and loose all your energy to another? Why not stay in your center and let it go and stop calling? People can only hear what they can hear. If she can’t hear you it’s not your fault. Accept her as she is and move on. Attract people who are more aligned. You know how to create intentions/goals. I taught this.

  2. Susan

    Last week’s home play:
    https://medium.com/@sooselene/being-too-nice-ddf9e76dedde (The Niceness Disease blog)

    2. Done.

    3. Thought about it but have not actually contacted anyone yet.

    4. Done. Focus, “I allow myself to see clearly,” Purge that which is no longer necessary.

    5. Have meditated almost every day, green smoothies every day, exercised intermittently.
    This week’s homeplay:

    2. Still in resistance….

    3. Done.

    4. Done.

    1. Robin Eagle Sage Post author

      Your blog is phenomenal. But it was not the HW to simply write about the “Niceness Disease.” It was to show how this disease causes cancer, and to talk about the reading you did in class without using names.

      1. Susan Palmer

        Here’s the redo of my blog. I just put a new paragraph at the end.

        I did a medical intuitive reading in class, through the Sage School of Light, the other night, and it was unbelievable what my classmates and I found. We did a reading on a woman who has cancer and we found that the underlying cause of the cancer is what my teacher calls the Niceness Disease (described above). It’s amazing that not standing up for oneself by giving away one’s power can cause cancer. I want to let everyone know about this because it’s something we can all take care of if we simply have the information. Stand tall, speak up for yourself, validate your own worth.

        1. Susan Palmer

          Here’s the redo of my blog. I just put a new paragraph at the end.

          I did a medical intuitive reading in class, through the Sage School of Light, the other night, and it was unbelievable what my classmates and I found. We did a reading on a woman who has cancer and we found that the underlying cause of the cancer is what my teacher calls the Niceness Disease (described above). It’s amazing that not standing up for oneself by giving away one’s power can cause cancer. I want to let everyone know about this because it’s something we can all take care of if we simply have the information. Stand tall, speak up for yourself, validate your own worth.

  3. Jennifer Connery

    1.) H.W was finished.

    2.) MI reading: Medical issue: what is the cause of the shooting pain in lower back and down right leg The cause for her issue was brought on by trauma and powerlessness at a young age. She also feels the need to prove herself to others and has repressed trauma in 2nd chakra. The cures for this issue are to envision the L4-5 vertebrae as having plenty of space and bringing in a healing light to that area multiple times daily as well as light to her 2nd chakra. She also would benefit from light stretches that elongate the spine.

    3.) Coming up with new and improved meditations for myself and clients.

    4.) I haven’t meditated yet this week though I am back to smoothies with protein/green powder.


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