MI Training, Level 6 Week 5, Home-Play


1.Daily self-love meditation (soul love) for as long as you like.

2.Deep breathing. Say no to stress and yes to faith and self-love. Allow your heart to be the master of your soul.  

3.Add to your love list

4.Finish FB Page

5.Blog about your experience with the Soul Council, the meaning of being “indigo-wise” and what deep breathing does for the soul. Keep it short. (Copy and paste onto the SSL blog, your blog and your FB page.)

6.AP Reading: (45 minute each) Set your intention and meditate for 15 minutes before your reading to prepare. 1. Readee’s soul/sun connection. 2. Cause of addiction. 3. Cure for addiction.

7.Chapter 2 and 3 of “I AM”


14 comments on “MI Training, Level 6 Week 5, Home-Play

  1. jennifer connery

    1.) Self love meditation throughout the day.

    2.) Practicing stress free breathing while picturing a blanket of faith wrapped around me.

    3.) Adding to love list

    4.) Fb page completed and current professional picture uploaded.

    5.) https://intuitivehealthsite.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/meeting-of-the-mastersbecomming-indigo-wise/

    Posted in all 3 sites.

    6.) Ap reading: Consumed with others and over extending as well as business which is causing a constriction in chest and phlemn. Important to delegate more responsibilities to children which will help them and yourself. For physical ailments i’m seeing that lemon and peppermints will help with sugar addiction and to clear up chest. Also a sacred time and space is crucial for you to recharge and to have more loving time with self to breathe.

    7.) Listening to chapter 2 now. Will finish chapter 3 by tomorrow.

  2. Robin

    1) doing daily self love meditation

    2) doing deep breathing, better at saying no to stress and yes to faith and self love, but still sometimes is getting the better of me… But I am doing Much better!

    3) am adding to my love list

    4) in the process of fb page, am having a hard time getting a picture I want to put up.

    5) still need to blog, will update

    6) meeting with AP tomorrow, will update

    7) have listened to the chapters

  3. Ruth

    1. Doing self-love meditation daily, had a wonderful healing experience related to addiction I have been working to heal.

    2. Practicing deep breathing and saying no to stress. I’m realizing I need to practice this more at work, which is a challenge for me.

    3. Love list: I’m adding to this.

    4. Facebook: page complete.

    5. Blog: https://intuitiveinsightspathway.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/connecting-to-source-by-deep-breathing/

    6. AP reading: I see that you have deep feelings of abandonment from this lifetime and many others that have been encoded into your genetic makeup and carried forth in a repetitive pattern. You have also been forced to grow up too quickly and be responsible for too much as a young child. This is causing a blockage in your connection to source. To heal, continue to allow this purple cleaning machine to move across your body and remove this genetic coding to free up space in your body and mind. Fill yourself with bright yellow gold light and imagine being dipped in wax to signify the end of this pattern, healing your physical body and your intellect for any stories you have created about yourself related to the abandonment. Imagine reaching out and pulling the sun close to you when you have moments of fear or doubt about the power of living your truth.

    7. I am: Finishing up chapter 3

  4. Paedrin Blues

    1. Been practicing meditations, although not daily.

    2. Deep breathing has been so helpful in bringing me into my heart space and acting from love.

    3. Continuing to add to love list.

    4. FB page finished. First reading hopefully on Wednesday or Thursday! Not booked yet.

    5. https://unlockingintuition.wordpress.com/2016/10/09/breathe-and-be-indigo-wise/

    To be Indigo-Wise is to be tuned in and connected to the great Cosmic Love. Tapping into this Divinity can only be achieved by first flooding your being with self-love. As self-love grows and expands, so does one’s ability to know and remember Cosmic Love and so become Indigo-Wise. This wisdom is not something certain special people are born with, but a wisdom that we all can remember. An Indigo-Wise person is aware of his deep Oneness with everything, and has the ability to draw from these infinite waters for any need in life. She lives from a state of supreme calm, knowing she is being carried and protected by her angels and the Divine Mother herself. Being connected to Cosmic Love, and therefore being connected to the original web of life, an Indigo-Wise person is intuitive, sensitive, grounded, centered, and full of Love.
    One way that you can step closer to Indigo-Wisdom right now is through deep breathing. Breath is life, and breath is love. When you take a deep breath, you are giving yourself the gift of life and filling yourself with love. When one is breathing deeply, it is not possible to experience fear and the other harmful emotional states that stem from fear. Simply put, deep breathing merges us deeper with Love, allowing us to ground into and live from this space. Breathe deeply, and return home to your center, in the space of the heart.

    6. You strive for perfection (this is the addiction) and are really hard on yourself when that is inevitably not achieved. This stems from your parents, especially your father, who were hard on you and your father aimed for an unattainable perfection in himself as well. You took on much of his behavior, and instead of seeing that you were acting out his stuff and dealing with it himself, he dismissed the opportunity to heal and reprimanded you.
    To dismiss the perfection of who you are right now, is to dismiss the perfection of Source and so is a slight to the Universe. You ARE whole, right now. We brought third chakra back to a smaller, healthier size, and melted and released the perfectionism energy. Filled up with a soothing energy of forgiveness, for self and for father. Forgiveness is knowing that there is nothing to forgive. Bring in joy, everyday. Laughter exercises, jumping, shaking, dancing, will be beneficial right now, as well as getting into a good novel and writing to express the creativity which has been stifled.

    7. Working on book. I am reading, not listening. Does chapter 2 and 3 transfer to the book correctly in terms of length?

    1. Paedrin Blues

      6. In summary, you were disconnected from Source because you were not acknowledging your own perfection that comes from being connected to the All. To heal your addiction to perfectionism, you need to acknowledge your wholeness, forgive yourself, and bring in joy, laughter, and an energy of playfulness. Also, express the creativity and femininity which has been stifled through your right-brain endeavors towards a perfect image.

  5. Susan Palmer

    1. Doing.

    2. Working on it. Deep breathing throughout the day, especially when I’m driving or waiting.

    3. Done

    4. Not yet. Having a heck of a time writing the little paragragh of what I do, and still in fear of actually posting it.

    5. https://medium.com/@sooselene/soul-council-deep-breathing-abe8c7cc0396#.7zs2t1w82

    6. Sun/Source showed judgment from parents and other people when young, keeping you subdued, from shining your light & feeling how beautiful and amazing you are. Saw supportive man in your youth. He’s still with you, although you feel you have to do it all on your own. Mother’s judgment, harsh, didn’t understand who you were as child. Tried to keep you conforming to her comfort paradigm. Metal plate placed on left side of your head as shield. We removed that. To heal, when meditating, see powerful column of turquoise light going from earth to source, through your body, to validate yourself and your gifts & the amazing healing you have to offer others. You are guided and have angels working with you.

    7. Done.

    1. Susan Palmer

      6. (Reword) Sun/Source showed judgment from parents and other people when young, keeping you subdued, from shining your light & feeling how beautiful and amazing you are. Saw supportive man in your youth. He’s still with you, although you feel you have to do it all on your own. Mother’s judgment, harsh, didn’t understand who you were as child. Tried to keep you conforming to her comfort paradigm. Metal plate placed on left side of your head as shield. We removed that. To heal, when meditating, see powerful column of turquoise light going from earth to source, through your body, to validate yourself and your gifts & the amazing healing you have to offer others. You are guided and have angels working with you.

      1. Susan Palmer

        (Rewrite again) Your Sun/Soul alignment was horizontal, feeling flat, due to a lack of confidence and even depression, wondering if you will ever be successful; and to heal, visualize a strong, turquoise light moving vertically through your body and acknowledge your strength and beauty. Your fears were about being judged, especially by mother; To heal, fill with love, acceptance and safety. Also, yell or sing loudly to release emotions. Your addiction was sugar, to fill the frustration and emptiness of not living who you truly are; and to heal, TRUST in your beauty, strength and power.

  6. maia

    1- This meditation is been so good for me. I don’t have Teo with me this week and all I’m doing is to rest and allow self-love in!
    2- I’m breathing deep! I’m setting my alarm phone every hour to remember to take few deep breaths.
    3- Adding! This week is all about green smoothies, hot baths, hiking, and tending my garden.
    4- my FB page: https://www.facebook.com/Maia-Energy-reading-and-healing-1310469232298227/
    5- my experience with the Soul Council: I just came out of a meeting with majestic beings called the Soul Council. What an honor to be in their presence. They are the Higher Council of Wisdom. Their job is to assist humans in infusing higher and higher frequencies into the 3rd dimension, facilitating the redemption of Pianeta Terra. They wish for all human to be able to channel these frequencies, that none are than the frequencies of each human’s higher self. I ask them about the meaning of being “indigo-wise”. They say it indigo indicates the type of frequency that break through the barriers of the era of the Pisces. We are breaking out of 26.000 thousand years of a very specific type of conditioning regarding of what being humans means. They say “Jeshua came here only 2.000 years ago, to show you the way out of the old cycle”. Jeshua brought the indigo frequencies. He opened the portal for you, all wise children, to come through.” I ask them what deep breathing does for the soul: “ He cleanses you from the past. This is what deep breathing does for the Soul” .. people are so attached to the identity they built upon past experiences that they are terrorized to breathe! Please breathe. And trust. Trust that the path ahead is filled with something greater than you can even imagine.” my blog: https://wordpress.com/post/maiamedicina.com/281
    6- n/a
    7- done 🙂

  7. Chelsea Panter

    1. I haven’t been able to do Soul Love yet, but I will before class. I have been meditation.

    2. Yes, deep breathing and coming into faith and self-love.

    3. Adding to my love list.

    4. FB page complete.

    5. https://soulbeautifulblog.wordpress.com/2016/10/11/awakening-your-soul-to-be-indigo-wise/

    6. AP Reading:
    Sun/Source was out of alignment for a few reasons: Worry over house and money or numbers were preoccupying her thoughts. She was beating herself up with negative self talk and being to hard on herself. And, there was a feeling of her mother or a female person in her life being too harsh and not loving enough as a young child which had stayed with her.
    To align with Source/Sun and heal: We balanced the worry with self-care and relaxation time. Instead of beating herself up, she is gentle and kind to herself starting over each day as it is a new day. We also forgave the female who was harsh, acknowledging there were lessons my partner needed to learn from this and release.

    7. Done.

    1. Chelsea

      AP Reading:
      Sun/Source was out of alignment and the root of your addiction to sugar for a few reasons: An imbalance of preoccupying thoughts of worrying, beating herself up with negative self talk and being to hard on herself and there was a feeling of a female person in her life being too harsh and not loving enough as a young child which had stayed with her.
      To align with Source/Sun and healing her addiction: We balanced the worry with self-care and relaxation time, being gentle and kind to herself starting over each day as it is a new day and forgiving the female who was harsh, acknowledging there were lessons my partner needed to learn from this and release.

  8. Robin

    6) AP reading:

    Your sun/source alignment is almost aligned but a little behind you. You are so determined, you are on fire but is bringing you out of balance because you are doing too much… Almost burning yourself out. Slow down, take time for yourself, breath… Be here now. Know that everything is working out for your greater good, you don’t have to do it all. Know you deserve all good things, fill yourself with love and validation. Give more to yourself. Buy yourself some flowers, am seeing sunflowers, and smile. Take time to fill your own tank so you have more to give. Trust that the Universe has your back and is guiding you on your path.

  9. jennifer connery

    Ap reading summarization correction:
    You’re are extremely consumed with others needs and have a tendency to overextend yourself. This is causing a constriction in chest and phlemn. It’s very important to delegate more responsibilities to children which will help them and yourself. For physical ailments i’m seeing that lemon and peppermints will help, as for the addiction, sucking on mints will be a substitute for pepsi. I’m seeing that you would greatly benefit from your own sacred time and space which will help you have some breathing room literally and recharge yourself.


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