The Cause And Cure of Uterine and Breast Cancer


The Cause of Uterine and Breast Cancer

I am not as good, pretty, sexy, thin or as talented as other women

I don’t appreciate myself

Others don’t appreciate me

I have little time

I feel harried

I feel as though I never rest enough and even when I rest I don’t feel rested and relaxed

I can’t relax

I am not absorbing positive things (3rd chakra self-esteem issue)

I don’t feel that my parents loved me enough therefore I am not loveable

I have to prove myself and be great in order to receive love

Receiving love is hard for me as I don’t deserve it or money or…

I feel jealous of other women. They have what I want. They are better than me.

I don’t look good and fresh; I look wrinkled and harried

Because I was raped I don’t deserve love and am dirty and lacking in value

Because of rape I have trouble accepting love and intimacy

I can’t relax and have sex


The Cure of Uterine and Breast Cancer

I am as good as other women

I am pretty and I like the way I look

I have a lot of talent

I appreciate myself

Others appreciate me

I have plenty of time

I feel at ease

I feel relaxed throughout the day and night

I can really take in goodness

I feel as though all of my cells are constantly replenished and full of goodness and light

My body absorbs rest and relaxation

I enjoy relaxing

I have plenty of time to relax

I can stay relaxed and in enjoyment even when I am doing things

I easily glide from one activity to the next in a state of harmony

I take in positive things and compliments (3rd chakra fulfilled)

I feel that my parents loved me as best as they could

I am loveable

I don’t have to prove myself and be great in order to receive love

Who I am is enough

I receive love

I am a woman and I do things differently than men

I don’t have to be like a man

I enjoy being female and I love my female body

My breasts are perfect

Sex is natural and enjoyable

I choose when to have sex and I don’t need an excuse or buffer to protect myself

It’s easy for me to receive love as I know I deserve it

It’s easy for me to make money doing the things I love to do effortlessly with my female style as I know I deserve money

I feel happy when I see other women who look happy and healthy as they are a reflection of me.

I get excited when I see others with what I want as it gives me drive and inspiration that all goals are possible to achieve.

Everyone is equal and as good as the next person, we are all different, unique and special.

I look healthy and rested.

My skin looks moist and fresh.

Because I had the experience of rape I know that I deserve lots of love.

I am valuable.

I am God.

Because I had the experience of rape I know that I have to work at allowing myself to be loved and to allow safe and slow intimacy.

I enjoy safe, slow and loving intimacy.

My body is beautiful.

I feel good when I smile and take life slowly.

I am learning how let go of everything… negative.

I am positive.

I enjoy each step of being female and blossoming into the truth of who I am.



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